The Power Of The Law Of Attraction

When you have life-changing experiences, sometimes the outcome will motivate positive manifestation in your life, even more so, you will notice how your mind discovers techniques to boost your force of energy and begin managing that energy for more effective use. However, the moment people become ignorant of this psychological notion, they can easily fall into the habit of being impatient with others who have depleted their energy or judging others who are struggling to demonstrate positivity in their lives. This cycle leads me to my next point, the reason that many people grow frustrated with the law of attraction and proceed to fail to manifest their hopes is due to the lack of understanding on the concept and incorrect practice of methods to further support their thoughts into manifestation.

Building Your Relationship To The Universe:

I find that the easiest way to interpret the meaning of the Law of Attraction is to tune into your perception of YOUR existing relationship with the universe. In other words, examine how you feel about the way the universe interacts with you. Okay I understand It may sound ridiculous, you may not have even considered anything of the sort before or believe you have any relationship with the universe but for a brief moment ask yourself these questions; Do you believe you can influence your surroundings so things happen for you? Or do you believe things happen TO you? This psychology is translated as “Internal vs. External Locus of Control.” At this point, it’s sounding like I’m teaching a whole lecture but this concept is important to take note. Some people have a philosophy that they are not in control of their lives and are as a result a product of everything that has happened to them, this is called an external locus of control. Individuals with a strong internal locus of control believe the events in their life derive primarily from their actions. It depends on which category you fit under however the main objective is to be able to distinguish the difference between the two. Fact is if you feel that deep down the universe is sending you a signal, then trust that intuition because the chances are it’s probably right. The constant energy we give out to the world circulates right back where the universe reciprocates.

Our bodies and subconscious regularly interact together, the key is to first determine what exactly we want/ need then be able to channel that vibrational energy. The goal is to work in partnership with your manifestations, thoughts and feelings in order to successfully achieve the Law of attraction because it is, in fact, you who has the power over your own destiny!

“A shift in your perspective and the understanding of the truth about your relationship to the universe then you can begin to attract better things into your life. It’s simply Science. ”

The 7 Laws of Attraction?

  1. Unwavering Desire
  2. Conceptualization and Imagination
  3. Affirmation
  4. Focus with Confidence
  5. Profound Belief
  6. Gratitude
  7. Manifestation

The principles of Law of attraction takes time to master, to begin with, there is a wide range of powerful and practical tools associated with the Law of Attraction. Although as soon as you determine how to practise this philosophy you can start living a happy life and thinking in a more optimistic way that is specifically designed to attract more positive experiences. Whatever your aspirations and goals are, the Law of Attraction can guide you with valuable teachings that will draw you closer to your greatest ambitions. The question is, are we willing to put the effort in? To receive, we must be willing to provide. It may be difficult to view these acts as transactions, but that is how the universe operates.

whatever you focus on, think about, read about, and talk about intensely, you’re going to attract more of into your life. This may or may not be something you believe in or take any interest in doing and that’s okay, do whatever works for you.

Yours Truly Sasi

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