Sacrifice Your Social Life To Compensate For Success

“Sacrifice is a part of life. It’s supposed to be. It’s not something to regret. It’s something to aspire to.”

Mitch Albom, The Five People You Meet in Heaven

There is one thing for certain, no matter what goals or ambitions you may have: there is a price you have to pay to achieve what you want and where you want to be in life! The reality is, any level of success demands something from you, however, If you are not willing to sacrifice your pride, social comfort, or stability, then your highest level of success will NEVER be achieved. Therefore, your level of sacrifice directly determines your level of success and that is truly the way life works. Unfortunately, a shortcut will hardly ever get you there. It takes endless leaps out of your comfort zone to achieve huge success though, there is no doubt that exiting your safe zone can influence a level of fear. The fear of uncertainty, the fear of failure, the fear of rejection/criticism, or the fear of transformation. But, fear is indeed an inevitable feeling. The goal here is to work effectively to conquer, or at least control this limiting factor in order to achieve any sort of success in your life.

“the individual who is willing to do whatever it takes is likely to experience massive growth and success, even if they start out in the midst of the most unfortunate circumstances”

Success requires you to conquer your doubts and cultivate the confidence you need to achieve your goals with spirited enjoyment and diligent devotion. In fact, if you aim to build an empire, the most valuable investment is to spend a considerable amount of time reading, learning, and experimenting. You simply can’t do this if you spend more time oversleeping, watching Netflix, TV or simply browsing through your phone. Think about it … how much time do you truly invest in your future? And is it enough? Especially, during this national lockdown, with very minimal access to outside activities and social functions, this encourages further temptation to merely sit back and let the hours pass by unproductively. In fact, right now is the perfect opportunity to compensate for all the distractions and invest more quality in your success. When you are fully committed to your endeavours, less will sidetrack you. 

Dedicate more energy into being extraordinary, daring, disciplined, and to be accountable for your decisions and actions. If you want to live an exceptional and extraordinary life, you have to be willing to sacrifice many of the things others are unwilling to. For example; a majority of people are very reluctant to limit their social life and would much rather jump at every opportunity to go out and have fun. But, remember who you choose to spend your time with could either help or hinder your progress. This unwillingness to ‘say no’ is what precisely limits growth. It’s ok to say no to merely “good” opportunities because you’ll make room for the “great” ones. Once you recognise what a life characterised by largely “great” opportunities looks like, those sacrifices won’t seem too difficult. And so, calculate how you spend your time, energy and money because If you truly aim to reach another level of success in any area of your life, you’ll require to make extraordinary sacrifices to get there.

Your level of success will rarely exceed your level of personal development because success is something you attract by the person you become.”

Take notice, you receive exactly what you put in. If you’re a lazy character, cut corners, or simply spend time on less valuable projects then you’ll receive results that mirror that level of commitment. So you must consistently invest your energy into meaningful tasks and goal congruent activities that will provide you with the highest long-term benefits. Investing your time on the wrong things could ultimately draw a thin line between success and failure.

Do better, to be better

Yours Truly Sasi

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