Only Relevant When It’s A Trend #ISTANDWITHTHEFARMERS

The use of online social media platforms in political manners and activities has ushered a new era of participatory democracy, which has provided an outlet especially, for the Millenials. There is no doubt that technology has changed the interpersonal interaction, communication patterns, and social and political discussions. As a generation we have been allowed to voice our opinions and beliefs about government; to talk about issues, mobilize around causes, and hold various leaders and lawmakers accountable. Rightfully so, if I may add. Currently, through the use of hashtags, social media platforms have performed a significant role in supporting movements, sharing stories and providing more information on political affairs to engage and encourage involvement in online and offline political activities. So far, the attention has been shined on causes such as #BLACKLIVESMATTER, #ENDSARS, #SILENTHOLOCOUST or #BRANDONBENARD. All of which are important and relevant issues. People have front row access to the issues afflicting communities and driving activism. But, why be selective with the movements trending at the time?

Now it has come to my attention that a lot of people are supporting the issues which are trending, without taking the time to research and truly understand what is actually taking place and why. Everyone has different political views and interests which is okay, however, to ignore specific issues either because it doesn’t apply to you or necessarily affect you = ignorance. Today, I want to address the farmers’ protest in India which has been on-going for two months. With more than half of Indians working on farms, this is a big concern and a huge national affair. The farmers’ protest is very much our protest, in a more direct sense than we think. Food is basic to our lives and farmers have made us self-sufficient in food, if it not for them then widespread hunger and starvation. So if you ate today, know who to thank for that meal, farming requires time, labour and harvesting.

The Indian Government passed several laws that will devastate the entire farming community! Initially, farmers operated through APMC (Agriculture Produce Market Committee) mandis. According to the new law, electronic trading is allowed. The government shall refrain from collecting the market fee or levy for trading outside of the mandis. This might force the government to see no profit in maintaining the mandi system. Hence, the government might do away with it all together giving corporates the upper hand.  These laws represent a radical shift from food self-sufficiency, and a working public distribution system – both vital to the country’s sovereignty and strength as a nation. Farmers in India are already experiencing high debt and working overtime to save their families from starvation and homelessness. This is yet another example of further injustice being served at the hands of the Government.

I must admit my personal interest and support of this cause grow from my relationship with friends, of which this movement is personal to them. With our open discussions and the help of social media awareness, I have been able to conduct my own further research to understand how this movement is impacting them as well as myself. Despite a difference in culture, their protest is my protest and like I said before, why be selective with the causes that are trending at the time? There is very much relevance in the farmer’s protests and should be equally vocalised in the sense of raising awareness. Don’t get me wrong, each issue will run deep for different people but the main objective is to show support to different communities despite a trend. Although, I must shine some light on the possibility that if it wasn’t for my diverse friendship circle, would I be as passionate to this cause than I am now? Well, it is hard to say. But, I am extremely lucky to have a group of people from different cultures as it has provided me with the opportunity to educate myself on concerning issues such as the Indian Farmers protests. And like the other movements, keep listening, keep sharing resources, keep donating, keep protesting, keep learning.

All Images can be found on Instagram: @_jk_photography

Reminder: Social media is a means, not an end. Awareness is a tactic, not a goal. Slacktivism only becomes true activism, and brings true change, when the movement has a goal and a means to achieve it.


Yours Truly Sasi

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