Stepping out of your comfort zone!

Do you struggle coming out of your comfort zone? Don’t worry because you’re definitely not alone!

To step outside our comfort zone is generally the thing we second-guess as human beings, especially for those who lack confidence. These sort of situations can create a significant amount of stress and increase anxiety levels therefore convincing us to stay in our own bubble where we know things to be safe; rather than to feel regret. However, to feel the disappointment of the lack of initiative to just go for it is even more fearful. And yes, the whole idea is intimidating, but why continue to miss new opportunities which could possibly be for the best? Is it worth it if you don’t try?

The dawn of this blog is encouraging me to expand in many areas. Sharing my writing confidently on a public platform for others to read and critique is significantly altering a part of my life. I continue to realise; it is during those moments when I am far outside my element that I experience myself the most, discovering the person I truly represent! Which is the exact reason why I now enjoy taking myself out of my own element and throwing myself out into the unknown! It’s during those particularly nerve-racking periods, that I am able to understand that I can illuminate magnificently to expose a feeling that I didn’t know existed in me though, trust me when I say it has taken me a while to get here.

Today I want to speak to those who, like me, have had trouble to feel content leaving their comfort zone or are currently feeling so. There are so many benefits that come with challenging yourself and trying new things and judging from my experience, I promise it’s so worth it! You’ll never know what is meant for you until you try.

The theory is rather simple; you can only mature if you are willing to feel awkward when you try something new. The moment you take control over your life, unforeseen events unfold and leads to an awakening of self-inherent wisdom. At this level, you must be willing to step out of your comfort zone and meet life with a passion. From time to time, you may experience periods of uncertainty, feeling uninspired, emotionally drained and lacking direction unable to navigate. Don’t despair since you may simply be undergoing an internal shift – it’s all a part of growing.

“When life gives you lemons, make lemonade”, Seeking refuge in that statement liberates us, encouraging optimism and a positive can-do attitude in the face of adversity or misfortune. Like any journey, the intention to successfully reach one’s objective is typically shadowed by a plan, though you may not anticipate the obstacles ahead which interfere. I wish to remind you that life’s journey is filled with countless lessons, which many fail to concede then again contained within every effort, phase, and so-called failure you are drawn closer to victory where no effort has been in vain!

There are rhythm and timing to the universe which as beings we must accept in order to identify our full potential. With that in mind stepping out of your comfort zone may be paralysing to some, since there is a level of anxiety associated with insecurity. Remember, change is inevitable, but we can learn to deal with change to be more prepared to deal with whatever comes our way.

So today I encourage you to open that door to endless possibilities, discover your unknown creativity, explore your full potential, seek inspiration and aim to live your life without so much fear and insecurities. Life is way too short!

Yours Truly Sasi

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