REAL SOULFUL EPISODE 47 – #BODYCOUNT In this episode, Real Soulful Podcast invited me for an intimate, in-depth, mature conversation on body counts where we questioned whether sex is valued the same if your body count is higher? We also dived deep into the importance of sexual health and debated whether it is offensive to request […]
You Can Love Someone & Still Choose to Say Goodbye To Them

Heartbreak is nothing foreign to me. I’ve most definitely experienced my fair share of disappointment from the people I love, whether it’s from an ex-partner or absent parent the one thing I’ve come to understand is that as painful as it is, all of this is considered a normal part of growing up. Now, we […]
Does The Number Of People You’ve Been Intimate With Really Matter?

For every new relationship you find yourself in, there comes a time when you and your partner speak of the past and plan for the future, especially when things are growing serious and commitments are maturing. With that being said, is the topic of ‘body counts’ relevant in a relationship? or simply unnecessary Information in […]
“My Partner Doesn’t Allow Me To …” – Stop Confusing Control For Love!

Today I want to provide some serious insight into peoples experience of an intimate partner controlling whom they can, and cannot, interact with. So often do we hear someone we care for say “my partner doesn’t allow me to …”, this exact subjugation reaches deep into all aspects of their life from how to dress, […]
What Does Dating Look Like During Lockdown? -Are You, Finding Love or Lust In Lockdown?

The standards of what single men and women are looking for during this pandemic and how they go about dating has significantly changed. You would think that removing almost every avenue for dating from no open restaurants, cocktail bars, outdoor activities to clubs/ pubs – would deter singles. In reality, over the past year, both […]
Reconnecting With An Old Friend: Is It Worth The Effort? Or A Waste Of Time?

During the course of your life naturally, you constantly connect with many different types of people; some for a reason, some short term and some permanently. The friends we make are there to teach us about how other people operate, they are our window to the world outside ourselves and our family life. The company […]
PTRS: ‘All It Takes Is One Traumatic Experience’

An ending of a relationship can most definitely introduce a mass of different feelings, some of which are predicted whilst the others unforeseeable. The reality is, the process of dealing with the ‘acceptance‘ stage of the situation has the ability to create complicated yet extremely confusing feelings. There is no denying that when dealing with […]
Smaller Circle, Bigger Vision, Brighter Future – ‘Be Selective With Your Inner Circle’

Find peace and power in recognising that it’s okay to be conscious and selective with the people you choose to devote your time and energy to Yours Truly Sasi Quality over quantity!: Living in a society that places a high value on image and popularity through association, can easily open the door to fake friendships […]
Reconnecting With An Ex During Lockdown, Boredom or Loneliness?

It should come as no surprise that people have justified texting their exes during a time when you’re feeling way more cut off from the world than ever before. Life in lockdown has definitely been extremely challenging mentally, emotionally and physically for basically everyone! Even more so, that the emotional toll this pandemic has taken […]
Financial Compatibility vs Love, Which Do You Pick?

When establishing any type of partnership with someone, it is naturally going to be a calculated process to analyse all aspects of that individual before placing 100 per cent commitment. When navigating through the talking stages of the relationship, it’s important to seize that opportunity to really think about what you want as well as, […]